ESG now! world economics forum asks - what will happen to CEOs who get AI for children wrong?
Sorry to hear of death of McGann - the West's most open curator of pro-future gen thinktanks- his last paper here buzzes common sense - sadly many thinks will never recover from the combo of trump and fake media -cf with compiled when The Economist was led by end poverty sub-ed Norman (aka dad).
Please click new teachforXX
From Diaries of & - 2018 our last Fazle Abed dialogue in Bangladesh concerned open space for 1000 Abed co-workers , 50 Abed luminaries, tracing intel from 50+years of asia women rising, 60+ years of AI Neumann uniting Pacific and Atlantic Labs, 260+years of Smithian moral economic mapmaking as well as future scope of Abed Mooc 5.4 uniting graduates sdg applications across 100 Asian Universities + 5.5 ,, 5.6

schwab  conveners of world economic forum  (and coming of AI's 4th Industrial Revolution) now integrating greatest economic miracle ever (billion womens asian empowerment)  advanced out of Bangladesh with Fazle Abed since 1972; family who edit MIT innovations also partnering Abed to design world's most popular cashless banking system to end poverty 1.5

which resources of do you and yours most need to action? rsvp abedmooc5.6 Glasgow uplink --#davosagenda : twit 1 2 - what's essential to sustainability generation-2021 update road to cop26 glasgow- geneva's jan 2021 invitations -programme, join-up -sub agendas : EA techforgood ;; EH : healthyfutures :: EG planetsaving

nature isnt siloised the way govs and university professors are -poverty, climate, health, edu, tech all explain each other- national borders have become biggest risk to natures borderless innovation challenges - without cooperation at levels old leaders can't conceive - our species will be lost- actions from davos
How to build more resilient countries after the COVID-19 pandemic #DavosAgenda
Climate change will be sudden and cataclysmic. We need to act fast #DavosAgenda 1 q1
@Zurich January 2021 US climate ambassador Kerry : Glasgow Nov 2021- cop26 humanity and "parties" last best chance
Since start of machine age the Adam Smith school of economists have valued how health (Economist 1984 and 1843) and education (Economist 1986) exponentially sustain places' economic growth across generations not vice versa ..over the last 50 years Safety*Health*Education has been 1billiongirls development password across Asia -fortunately AN ECONOMIC MIRACLE BEGAN WHEN Chinese and Bangladesh village networkers linked in around fazle abed since 1972 to demonstrate how lives matter women empowerment changes how governments and corporations behave- charities without eithe a business case or a direct smart intel transfer case integrating transparent community data ending poverty traps- global viallage purposes of value chains celebrate the ultimate sme networing model of transparency mapping at 4 levels : 1 village solution, 100000 village solution replication, national market leadership, worldwide sustainability benchmark of market sector purpose

Economist A B C D E F G H I J .R S. U W X Y Z mass and new media had failed to involve educators at every level in what youth needed to explore if a sustainability generation was being grown
Nikesh Arora @nikesharora asks @Netanyahu about cybersecurity: “the most important investment you can make in cyber is mathematics”. #DavosAgenda @IsraeliPM. 6:59 AM - 27 Jan 2021. 12 Retweets; 41 Likes; Ben D'Israel · Ubaid ...

mathematically the UN's 17 sustainability goals pose a problem unless you can help people factor them into a memorisable number of ways forward- if thee is only one factor goal one both gravitates all ohers but requires bottom-up mapping -as einstein would say innovators need to integrate the most micro of dynamics if there system is not to be blind to what top people cannot see; 20 years into 2025 report's journey several exponential challenges had missed the simplest way to unite humans:
there was no transparent audit of trust-flow applied to world's biggest organisations

back from future of 1984's 2025 report- virus is gamechanger to online education, safe community spaces and all UN-sdg urgent challenges of greatest #learinggeneration and #digitalcooperation
kenya's ihub benchmark empowering youth community tech across will hubs live up to hi-trust multipliers at core of micro-empowrment transformation and truth mediator of oldest and youngest halves of our species' 8 billion interconnected beings?
1776 35 years on can hubs do for america what 1.0' aol could not..
wework 5g supercitizens need 90% collaborative solutions-it make sense for world leading ai funds to have a home hub- if wework isnt it what is..
out of china and usa top 10 internet companies are startup ecosystems-are they smart to own hubs...
mayors play a critical role if humans go green in time-which hub models link relay each years cop, link education systems, help young professions lead risk models of global climate adaptability.
schwab links global's number 1 annual summit withback from 4 innovation revolutions youth hubs need to shape..
more eg will hubs be integral to one global university of ending poverty?how can under 30s hub global community health in ways top down planners fail to proact
..can we map a 7th economy multiplying the best of 6 other economies
space and mobilising virtual livelihoods
humanising computing prain power
trading routes celegrating demngs enginnering leaps
rural village keynes-aka jim kim's top of the pops.....
dollar world
poundempire until 1914- see adam smith's 1760s warnings on industrial world depending on less than 1% of peoples to finance its gold standard
. .Jim Kim2030nowjimkim2transcripts.doc 2030nowjimkim2transcripts.doc,
videos of world bank tedx kim celebrates 300 global shapers hubs of weforum schwab
6th economy miracle for over billion people out of rural village poverty - networked by women of south asia starting with community health food security- 2 models branched from 1970s - food alumni borlaug - health alumni china barefoot medics, fazle abed james grant -after hundreds of thousands of villager business brac had to develop banking system for poorest village mothers- almost everything later called microcreditsummit failed to understand the point of fin services designed if you began as community health or food security worker as an illiterate woman who had previously no productive network in society- china's version of rural keysiansim discussed the economist 1977 became the rural heartland linked to second chinese miracle adapting japans better engineering knowledge which had already caused diaspora islands of taiwan hk singapore to ruse to be 3rd strongest economy of 1980 after japan and usJapan better engineering economy merged from deming action learning networks tokyo 1845-1962 - see the Economist consider japan 1962 and unification of royal families at olympics 1964 round a better way to map the world than their history had spun space and satellite ecomyvon neumann and moores 100 times more digital analytics power per decade 195 to 2025........................$ industrial pre digital economy. It wasn' until the end of world war 2 that the dolar was reconised as the worlds reerve currency. The united nations ws convened and 7 of the biggest G8 empires seemed to agree a new map which recognised that a root cause of the world wars that orgnising world trade just to the benefit of peoples in 8 place resprent aboyt a quarter of the world's population was snot sustainable. The plan: the USA would help the G7 economies reboot but once this was growing support for fomrer colonises independence would be maximised. Three opportunities emerged from 1950s innovations: satellite and space, digital computing, much more reliable proceses of engineering and linking in supply chain networks.In additior crop science geared to local diversity emerged. All of these appeared to offer win-win opportunities across nations but 3 problems seem to have overtaken the rate at which the UN could adapt. kennedy was assisinated-the U lost continuity both internationally and at home as the publics confindence wass rockedby other assinations, and vietnam -the first time americans had entered an unwinnable war? Increased Russian mischief all over the newly indepetend nations world including latin america , and a geonomic trick nature had played on te old world. A place which the ebnglish had named the middle east is actually a land bridge between 3 suncintents: Afrca m Euripe and Asa. But this landbridge is mainly desert and oil welss. It became the epicentre of all sorts of conflicts (see more detail). Neither the eurpean union or post-kennedy america had prepared enough for what happened net
...............pound empire economy
To the extemy that global trade existed and needed to be accounted for by currency. the pound played this role until the start of world war 1 at which time it abandoned the promise of exchangeability with gold.Access to engineering changed the size of economies from being mainly correlated with where populations had settled- eg 2 out of 3 on the asian continent. The fact that small island of britain (less than 1% of people, much less than that as per cent of land andnaural resources) couldat its peak recah nearly 10% of woirkd trade reflects how its mercantile power ahd won out comaped with other Europeans in 18th C and its first mover adavantages with engines. In particular the 19th C was to see The Uk wmpire take over adminstration of most of the nations around the INsian ocean. Americans who were fast to insutrialise after decalaring independence in 1776, focused on saling engineering on their own continent. It wasn't until world war 1 that this nation became recongined as tahgest world power
Could it be that there are 2 types of world trade
zero sum ones that need regulating so that a country get overdependent on anothers products
social world trades go way above zero sum- eg where knowledge is multiplied in use by eg mentoring-
notably consider microfranchises which we define as offer open sourcing of a social solution designed to give a community capacity to serve an important need where the value of the service stays with the producers--could it be that this second type of world trade needs open society celebration not inter-country regulation? in a knowledge economy might social world trade be 10 times bigger than zero-sum particularly in markets where knowhow critically impacting millennials' sustainability goals.
BRAC u legacy fazle abed: U president chang- alumni of MIT yale berkeley (yelen) Shenzen-hk; entrepreneur mountain view; first u partners include ban ki-moon; tencent education foundation-yidan HKearly investors schwarzman: Masa Son, Ka-Shing, Dalio- next education partners MIT, Oxford- co-concept founder mayor of beijing chen jiningvienna cultural center music - ban ki-moon climate adaptability: soros ceu OSUN soros botstein -education core - brad college, microcollege, schools; partners brac U, CEU, online arizona ...

Friday, June 12, 2015

Much of the value that moms/parents bring to developing children is not counted by economists- now wonder huge social world trade now links mothers networlks

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Hello exciting to be introduced to friends of Gutierrez...

I have several associates out of Washington DC region including the elearning platform who would like to help maximise number of millennials who know that liberation theology/Preferential Option Poor (POP culture) is an optimal ideology not only for people of faith/hope in the community who want to end poverty, but also for engaging professions and youth training to innovate solutions to end poverty. 
This is evident in the way since 1987 paul farmer and jim kim have specifically done with partners in community health (Haiti-Lima-Boston-Rwanda-Soros designated countries) and which jim kim now links in all his youth summit work at the world bank and in asking Pope Francis how to connect each others alumni

(if you dont already know the many ways in which paul farmer and jim kim advocate the preferential option poor values mindset please tell me and I can make a list of references)

2015 was the only year during Kim's presidency at the world bank that he got to choose where to locate the start of the year world bank meetings- he chose lima peru October 2015 both because that is where he has done his own greatest medical work and because of wanting every sustainability millennial to share his love of POP. Kim talks of movements that millennials will need to empower if the world bank is to meet his renewed goal to help all end poverty- he wouldnt have a way of celebrating this possibility without what Guttierez has diarised since 1968)

1 My understanding is Gutierrez spends half of his year at Notre Dame University in USA and half in Lima. If it would be possible to visit him for day at Notre Dame, I could bring a team over who want to know how to help maximise accessibility of these ideas to students. Also the whole Bangladesh race to end poverty (20 years of which Naila has mobile empowered as first female director of grameen phone) was based on paulo friere- sir fazle abed founder of brac the world's largest and best bottom-up ngo used his 20th open society laureate award by George Soros to translate Freire and Open Society ideologies as congruent in designing bottom up collaboration networks to end poverty; I would like to understand if Gutierrez sees overlaps between alumni of pedagogy of oppressed and Liberation theology. Both appear to have emerged from the Americas in late 1960s as ways of voicing future constitutions to free a continent's peoples. If it is not possible to see Gutierrez in Notre Dame would it be possible for me to bring a small group to Lima before early October

2 Just like Muhammad Yunus had a dream of every student union animating a social business club i would like to see every student union debate how POP can change the way they study/action a profession and intervene bottom up. This is more timely now with the UN transforming to sustainability goals than any time in its future or history (there are times when i wonder if the only 2 male leaders to wholly understand this are the Korean Kim and Ki-Moon though several leading ladies now have an opportunity to review with the ted turner family whether the billion dollars they spent on making UN simpler to partner has identified any others)

It would be great to know if Gutierrez has a map of where else bottom-up is being empowered in the cultural fusion of local and global design. In a way such open learning maps can go 2 ways - where POP renews meaning for those who are catholics in spirit (the largest goodwill identity on the planet); where POP links all faiths or professions whose ultimate hippocratic oath is to end poverty. I know it may sound weird now but my father spent his life at The Economist  mediating Keynsian views of the world- and as one of the last students mentored by Keynes, it was Keynes requirement that any alumni of his took a hippocratic oath of define economics as the way to design systems to empower next generations to end poverty and maximise the joy of every human livelihood

3 Living in washington DC , there is nowhere in so called free world whose biggest institutions and constitutions are driven/audited by a more opposite culture than POP.

Thats why i would like to see dc student union clubs of pop seeded virally and positively now

I would also like to see a  league tables of top 50 pro-youth and end poverty capitals mapped by which places have a strong pop or parallel movement - for example in a post Blattered/Fifa world,  will Rio in 2016 make becoming a top 10 Pop-youth capital its olympic legacy or become the next greece ruined by 12 days of celebrating sporting trivia rather than the youthful eternity of pop. Rome is already trying to get 2024 olympics for the best of POP reasons

eg if you are a follower of mandela, is that compatible with POP- ditto gandhi,  ditto Amma, ditto Maharishi.... any of the most truetd leaders of cultures which Rome is an anthropological treasure trove of helping map the future history of. I see this as connecting with Bernardo's university partnerships too

chris macrae - partners in publishing world record books of job creation