ESG now! world economics forum asks - what will happen to CEOs who get AI for children wrong?
Sorry to hear of death of McGann - the West's most open curator of pro-future gen thinktanks- his last paper here buzzes common sense - sadly many thinks will never recover from the combo of trump and fake media -cf with compiled when The Economist was led by end poverty sub-ed Norman (aka dad).
Please click new teachforXX
From Diaries of & - 2018 our last Fazle Abed dialogue in Bangladesh concerned open space for 1000 Abed co-workers , 50 Abed luminaries, tracing intel from 50+years of asia women rising, 60+ years of AI Neumann uniting Pacific and Atlantic Labs, 260+years of Smithian moral economic mapmaking as well as future scope of Abed Mooc 5.4 uniting graduates sdg applications across 100 Asian Universities + 5.5 ,, 5.6

schwab  conveners of world economic forum  (and coming of AI's 4th Industrial Revolution) now integrating greatest economic miracle ever (billion womens asian empowerment)  advanced out of Bangladesh with Fazle Abed since 1972; family who edit MIT innovations also partnering Abed to design world's most popular cashless banking system to end poverty 1.5

which resources of do you and yours most need to action? rsvp abedmooc5.6 Glasgow uplink --#davosagenda : twit 1 2 - what's essential to sustainability generation-2021 update road to cop26 glasgow- geneva's jan 2021 invitations -programme, join-up -sub agendas : EA techforgood ;; EH : healthyfutures :: EG planetsaving

nature isnt siloised the way govs and university professors are -poverty, climate, health, edu, tech all explain each other- national borders have become biggest risk to natures borderless innovation challenges - without cooperation at levels old leaders can't conceive - our species will be lost- actions from davos
How to build more resilient countries after the COVID-19 pandemic #DavosAgenda
Climate change will be sudden and cataclysmic. We need to act fast #DavosAgenda 1 q1
@Zurich January 2021 US climate ambassador Kerry : Glasgow Nov 2021- cop26 humanity and "parties" last best chance
Since start of machine age the Adam Smith school of economists have valued how health (Economist 1984 and 1843) and education (Economist 1986) exponentially sustain places' economic growth across generations not vice versa ..over the last 50 years Safety*Health*Education has been 1billiongirls development password across Asia -fortunately AN ECONOMIC MIRACLE BEGAN WHEN Chinese and Bangladesh village networkers linked in around fazle abed since 1972 to demonstrate how lives matter women empowerment changes how governments and corporations behave- charities without eithe a business case or a direct smart intel transfer case integrating transparent community data ending poverty traps- global viallage purposes of value chains celebrate the ultimate sme networing model of transparency mapping at 4 levels : 1 village solution, 100000 village solution replication, national market leadership, worldwide sustainability benchmark of market sector purpose

Economist A B C D E F G H I J .R S. U W X Y Z mass and new media had failed to involve educators at every level in what youth needed to explore if a sustainability generation was being grown
Nikesh Arora @nikesharora asks @Netanyahu about cybersecurity: “the most important investment you can make in cyber is mathematics”. #DavosAgenda @IsraeliPM. 6:59 AM - 27 Jan 2021. 12 Retweets; 41 Likes; Ben D'Israel · Ubaid ...

mathematically the UN's 17 sustainability goals pose a problem unless you can help people factor them into a memorisable number of ways forward- if thee is only one factor goal one both gravitates all ohers but requires bottom-up mapping -as einstein would say innovators need to integrate the most micro of dynamics if there system is not to be blind to what top people cannot see; 20 years into 2025 report's journey several exponential challenges had missed the simplest way to unite humans:
there was no transparent audit of trust-flow applied to world's biggest organisations

back from future of 1984's 2025 report- virus is gamechanger to online education, safe community spaces and all UN-sdg urgent challenges of greatest #learinggeneration and #digitalcooperation
kenya's ihub benchmark empowering youth community tech across will hubs live up to hi-trust multipliers at core of micro-empowrment transformation and truth mediator of oldest and youngest halves of our species' 8 billion interconnected beings?
1776 35 years on can hubs do for america what 1.0' aol could not..
wework 5g supercitizens need 90% collaborative solutions-it make sense for world leading ai funds to have a home hub- if wework isnt it what is..
out of china and usa top 10 internet companies are startup ecosystems-are they smart to own hubs...
mayors play a critical role if humans go green in time-which hub models link relay each years cop, link education systems, help young professions lead risk models of global climate adaptability.
schwab links global's number 1 annual summit withback from 4 innovation revolutions youth hubs need to shape..
more eg will hubs be integral to one global university of ending poverty?how can under 30s hub global community health in ways top down planners fail to proact
..can we map a 7th economy multiplying the best of 6 other economies
space and mobilising virtual livelihoods
humanising computing prain power
trading routes celegrating demngs enginnering leaps
rural village keynes-aka jim kim's top of the pops.....
dollar world
poundempire until 1914- see adam smith's 1760s warnings on industrial world depending on less than 1% of peoples to finance its gold standard
. .Jim Kim2030nowjimkim2transcripts.doc 2030nowjimkim2transcripts.doc,
videos of world bank tedx kim celebrates 300 global shapers hubs of weforum schwab
6th economy miracle for over billion people out of rural village poverty - networked by women of south asia starting with community health food security- 2 models branched from 1970s - food alumni borlaug - health alumni china barefoot medics, fazle abed james grant -after hundreds of thousands of villager business brac had to develop banking system for poorest village mothers- almost everything later called microcreditsummit failed to understand the point of fin services designed if you began as community health or food security worker as an illiterate woman who had previously no productive network in society- china's version of rural keysiansim discussed the economist 1977 became the rural heartland linked to second chinese miracle adapting japans better engineering knowledge which had already caused diaspora islands of taiwan hk singapore to ruse to be 3rd strongest economy of 1980 after japan and usJapan better engineering economy merged from deming action learning networks tokyo 1845-1962 - see the Economist consider japan 1962 and unification of royal families at olympics 1964 round a better way to map the world than their history had spun space and satellite ecomyvon neumann and moores 100 times more digital analytics power per decade 195 to 2025........................$ industrial pre digital economy. It wasn' until the end of world war 2 that the dolar was reconised as the worlds reerve currency. The united nations ws convened and 7 of the biggest G8 empires seemed to agree a new map which recognised that a root cause of the world wars that orgnising world trade just to the benefit of peoples in 8 place resprent aboyt a quarter of the world's population was snot sustainable. The plan: the USA would help the G7 economies reboot but once this was growing support for fomrer colonises independence would be maximised. Three opportunities emerged from 1950s innovations: satellite and space, digital computing, much more reliable proceses of engineering and linking in supply chain networks.In additior crop science geared to local diversity emerged. All of these appeared to offer win-win opportunities across nations but 3 problems seem to have overtaken the rate at which the UN could adapt. kennedy was assisinated-the U lost continuity both internationally and at home as the publics confindence wass rockedby other assinations, and vietnam -the first time americans had entered an unwinnable war? Increased Russian mischief all over the newly indepetend nations world including latin america , and a geonomic trick nature had played on te old world. A place which the ebnglish had named the middle east is actually a land bridge between 3 suncintents: Afrca m Euripe and Asa. But this landbridge is mainly desert and oil welss. It became the epicentre of all sorts of conflicts (see more detail). Neither the eurpean union or post-kennedy america had prepared enough for what happened net
...............pound empire economy
To the extemy that global trade existed and needed to be accounted for by currency. the pound played this role until the start of world war 1 at which time it abandoned the promise of exchangeability with gold.Access to engineering changed the size of economies from being mainly correlated with where populations had settled- eg 2 out of 3 on the asian continent. The fact that small island of britain (less than 1% of people, much less than that as per cent of land andnaural resources) couldat its peak recah nearly 10% of woirkd trade reflects how its mercantile power ahd won out comaped with other Europeans in 18th C and its first mover adavantages with engines. In particular the 19th C was to see The Uk wmpire take over adminstration of most of the nations around the INsian ocean. Americans who were fast to insutrialise after decalaring independence in 1776, focused on saling engineering on their own continent. It wasn't until world war 1 that this nation became recongined as tahgest world power
Could it be that there are 2 types of world trade
zero sum ones that need regulating so that a country get overdependent on anothers products
social world trades go way above zero sum- eg where knowledge is multiplied in use by eg mentoring-
notably consider microfranchises which we define as offer open sourcing of a social solution designed to give a community capacity to serve an important need where the value of the service stays with the producers--could it be that this second type of world trade needs open society celebration not inter-country regulation? in a knowledge economy might social world trade be 10 times bigger than zero-sum particularly in markets where knowhow critically impacting millennials' sustainability goals.
BRAC u legacy fazle abed: U president chang- alumni of MIT yale berkeley (yelen) Shenzen-hk; entrepreneur mountain view; first u partners include ban ki-moon; tencent education foundation-yidan HKearly investors schwarzman: Masa Son, Ka-Shing, Dalio- next education partners MIT, Oxford- co-concept founder mayor of beijing chen jiningvienna cultural center music - ban ki-moon climate adaptability: soros ceu OSUN soros botstein -education core - brad college, microcollege, schools; partners brac U, CEU, online arizona ...

Saturday, December 31, 2016


update jan 2021 davos xi jinping

Speech by President Xi at Davos Agenda Week.pdf

1.        6

2.        7

1 (Translation)Let the Torch of Multilateralism Light up Humanity’s Way Forward Special Address by H.E. Xi Jinping President of the People’s Republic of ChinaAt the World Economic Forum Virtual Event of the Davos Agenda25 January 2021 Professor Klaus Schwab,Ladies and Gentlemen,Friends,

The past year was marked by the sudden onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic.   Global   public   health   faced   severe   threat   and   the   world   2 economy  was  mired  in  deep  recession.  Humanity  encountered  multiple  crises rarely seen in human history. The past year also bore witness to the enormous resolve and courage of people around the world in battling the deadly coronavirus. Guided by science,  reason  and  a  humanitarian  spirit,  the  world  has  achieved  initial  progress in fighting COVID-19.


That said, the pandemic is far from over. The recent resurgence in COVID cases reminds us that we must carry on the fight. Yet we remain convinced that winter cannot stop the arrival of spring and darkness can never shroud the light of dawn. There is no doubt that humanity will prevail over the virus and emerge  even stronger from this disaster. 


 Ladies and Gentlemen,Friends,History is moving forward and the world will not go back to what it was  in  the  past.  Every  choice  and  move  we  make  today  will  shape  the  world  of  the  future.  It  is  important  that  we  properly  address  the  four  major tasks facing people of our times.


The  first  is  to step  up  macroeconomic  policy  coordination  and  jointly promote strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth of the world economy. We are going through the worst recession since the end  of  World  War  II.  For  the  first  time  in  history,  the  economies  of  all regions have  been  hit  hard  at  the  same  time,  with  global  industrial  and  supply  chains  clogged  and  trade  and  investment  down  in  the  doldrums.  Despite  the  trillions  of  dollars  in  relief  packages  worldwide,  global  recovery  is  rather  shaky  and  the  outlook  remains  uncertain.  We  need  to  focus  on  current  priorities,  and  balance  COVID  response  and  economic  development.  Macroeconomic  policy  support  should  be  stepped  up  to  bring  the  world  economy  out  of  the  woods  as  early  as  possible.  More  importantly, we need to look beyond the horizon and strengthen our will and  resolve  for  change.  We  need  to  shift  the  driving  forces  and  growth  models of the global economy and improve its structure, so as to set the course   for   long-term,   sound   and   steady   development   of   the   world   economy.


The second is to abandon ideological prejudice and jointly follow a   path   of   peaceful   coexistence,   mutual   benefit   and   win-win cooperation.  No  two  leaves  in  the  world  are  identical,  and  no histories, cultures  or  social  systems  are  the  same.  Each  country  is  unique  with  its  own history, culture and social system, and none is superior to the other. The best criteria are whether a country’s history, culture and social system fit its particular situation, enjoy people’s support, serve to deliver political stability,  social  progress  and  better  lives,  and  contribute  to  human  progress. The different histories, cultures and social systems are as old as human societies, and they are the inherent features of human civilization. There will be no human civilization without diversity, and such diversity will continue to exist for as long as we can imagine. Difference in itself is no cause for alarm. What does ring the alarm is arrogance, prejudice and hatred;  it  is  the  attempt  to  impose  hierarchy  on  human  civilization  or  to  force one’s own history, culture and social system upon others. The right choice  is  for  countries  to  pursue  peaceful  coexistence  based  on  mutual  respect  and  on  expanding common  ground  while  shelving  differences,  and  to  promote  exchanges  and  mutual  learning.  This  is  the  way  to  add  impetus to the progress of human civilization.


The third is to close the divide between developed and developing countries and jointly bring about growth and prosperity for all. Tod ay, inequality continues to grow, the North-South gap remains to be bridged, and   sustainable   development   faces   severe   challenges.   As   countries grapple  with  the  pandemic,  their  economic  recoveries  are  following  divergent trajectories, and the North-South gap risks further widening and even  perpetuation.  For  developing  countries,  they  are  aspiring  for  more resources  and  space  for  development,  and  they  are  calling  for  stronger  representation  and  voice  in  global  economic  governance.  We  should recognize that with the growth of developing countries, global prosperity and stability will be put on a more solid footing, and developed countries will  stand  to  benefit from  such  growth. The  international  community  should keep its eyes on the long run, honor its commitment, and provide necessary support  to  developing  countries  and  safeguard  their  legitimate  development  interests.  Equal  rights,  equal  opportunities  and equal  rulesshould  be  strengthened,  so  that  all  countries    will  benefit  from  the opportunities and fruits of development.


4 The  fourth is  to  come  together  against  global  challenges  and jointly  create  a  better  future  for  humanity.  In the  era  of  economic  globalization,  public  health  emergencies  like  COVID-19 may  very  well  recur,  and  global  public  health  governance  needs  to be  enhanced.  The Earth  is our  one  and  only  home.  To  scale  up  efforts  to  address  climate  change  and  promote  sustainable  development  bears  on  the  future  of  humanity.  No  global  problem  can  be  solved


 by any  one  country  alone. There must be global action, global response and global cooperation.      Ladies and Gentlemen,Friends,The  problems facing the  world  are  intricate  and  complex.  The  way  out   of   them   is   through upholding   multilateralism   and   building   a community with a shared future for mankind.


First,  we    should  stay  committed  to openness  and  inclusivenessinstead  of  closeness and  exclusion.  Multilateralism is  about  having international  affairs  addressed  through  consultation  and  the  future  of  the  world  decided  by  everyone  working  together.  To  build  small  circles  orstart a new Cold War, to reject, threaten or intimidate others, to willfully impose decoupling, supply disruption or sanctions, and to create isolation or   estrangement   will   only push   the   world   into   division   and   even   confrontation. We  cannot  tackle  common challenges in  a  divided world,and  confrontation  will  lead  us  to  a  dead  end. Humanity  has  learned  lessons  the  hard  way,  and  that  history  is  not  long  gone.  We  must  not  return to the path of the past.   The  right  approach  is  to  act  on  the  vision  of  a  community  with  a  shared  future  for  mankind.  We  should  uphold  the  common  values  of  humanity,   i.e. peace,   development,   equity,   justice,   democracy   and   freedom, rise   above   ideological   prejudice,   make   the mechanisms, principles and  policies  of  our  cooperation as open  and  inclusive  as possible, and jointly safeguard world peace and stability. We should build an  open  world  economy,  uphold  the  multilateral  trading  regime,  discarddiscriminatory  and exclusionary  standards,  rules  and  systems,  and  take down barriers to   trade,  investment  and  technological  exchanges.    We  

5 should  strengthen  the  G20  as  the  premier  forum  for  global  economic  governance,  engage  in  closer  macroeconomic  policy  coordination, and keep  the  global  industrial  and  supply  chains  stable  and  open.  We  should  ensure  the  sound  operation  of  the  global  financial  system,  promote  structural  reform  and  expand  global  aggregate demand  in  an  effort  to  strive  for  higher  quality  and  stronger  resilience  in  global  economic  development.

Second,   we should   stay   committed   to   international  law   and international  rules  instead  of  seeking one’s  own  supremacy. Ancient Chinese  believed  that  “the  law is   the  very  foundation  of  governance”.  International  governance  should  be  based  on  the rules  and  consensus  reached among us, not on the order given by one or the few. The Charter of  the  United  Nations  is  the  basic  and  universally  recognized  norms governing    state-to-state    relations.    Without international    law    and    international   rules that   are   formed   and   recognized   by   the   global community, the  world  may  fall  back  to  the  law  of  the  jungle,  and the consequence would be devastating for humanity. We  need  to  be  resolute  in  championing  the  international rule  of  law,  and steadfast in our resolve to safeguard the international system centered around  the  UN and the international  order  based  on  international  law.  Multilateral   institutions,   which   provide   the platforms for   putting multilateralism   into   action   and   which are   the   basic   architecture underpinning    multilateralism,    should    have    theirauthority    and    effectiveness safeguarded.  State-to-state  relations  should  be  coordinated  and regulated through proper institutions and rules. The strong should not bully  the  weak.  Decision  should  not  be  made  by  simply  showing  off  strong muscles or waving a big fist. Multilateralism should not be used as pretext for acts of unilateralism. Principles should be preserved and rules, once made, should be followed by all. “Selective multilateralism” should not be our option.


  Third, we   should stay committed to consultation and cooperation instead of conflict and confrontation. Differences in history, culture and social  system  should  not  be  an  excuse  for  antagonism  or  confrontation,  but   rather   an   incentive   for   cooperation.   We   should   respect   and   accommodate  differences,  avoid  meddling  in  other  countries’  internal affairs,  and  resolve  disagreements  through  consultation  and  dialogue. 


6 History and reality have made it clear, time and again, that the misguided approach of antagonism and confrontation, be it in the form of cold war, hot  war,  trade  war  or  tech  war,  would  eventually  hurt  all  countries’interests and undermine everyone’s well-being.We should reject the outdated Cold War and zero-sum game mentality, adhere to mutual respect and accommodation, and enhance political trust through  strategic  communication.  It  is  important  that  we  stick  to  the  cooperation  concept  based  on  mutual  benefit,  say  no  to  narrow-minded, selfish   beggar-thy-neighbor   policies,   and   stop   unilateral   practice   of   keeping   advantages   in   development   all   to   oneself.   Equal   rights   to   development  should  be  guaranteed  for  all  countries  to  promote  common  development  and  prosperity.  We  should  advocate  fair  competition,  like  competing  with  each  other  for  excellence  in  a  racing  field,  not  beating  each other on a wrestling arena.


Fourth,  we  should  stay  committed  to  keeping  up  with  the  times  instead of rejecting change. The world is undergoing changes unseen in a  century,  and  now  is  the  time  for  major  development  and  major  transformation. To uphold multilateralism in the 21st century, we should promote its fine tradition, take on new perspectives and look to the future. We   need   to   stand   by   the   core   values   and   basic   principles   of   multilateralism.  We  also  need  to  adapt  to  the  changing  international  landscape  and  respond  to  global  challenges  as  they  arise.  We  need  to  reform  and  improve  the  global  governance  system  on  the  basis  of  extensive consultation and consensus-building.We need to give full play to the role of the World Health Organization in  building  a  global  community  of  health  for  all.  We  need  to  advance  reform  of  the  World  Trade  Organization  and  the  international  financial  and  monetary  system  in  a  way  that  boosts  global  economic  growth  and  protects the development rights, interests and opportunities of developing countries.  We  need  to  follow  a  people-centered  and  fact-based  policy  orientation   in   exploring   and   formulating   rules   on   global   digital   governance.  We  need  to  deliver  on  the  Paris  Agreement  on  climate  change  and  promote  green  development.  We  need  to  give  continued  priority  to  development,  implement  the  2030  Agenda  for  Sustainable  Development,  and  make  sure  that  all  countries,  especially  developing  ones, share in the fruits of global development.


7 Ladies and Gentlemen,Friends,After decades of strenuous efforts by the Chinese people, China is on course to finish building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. We  have  made  historic  gains  in  ending  extreme  poverty,  and  have  embarked  on  a  new  journey  toward  fully  building  a  modern  socialist country. As China enters a new development stage, we will follow a new development  philosophy  and  foster  a  new  development  paradigm  with  domestic  circulation  as  the  mainstay  and  domestic  and  international  circulations reinforcing each other. China will work with other countries to build an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security and common prosperity. — China  will  continue  to  take  an  active  part  in  international  cooperation  on  COVID-19.  Containing  the  coronavirus  is  the  most  pressing task for the international community. This is because people and their lives must always be put before anything else. It is also what it takes to  stabilize  and  revive  the  economy.  Closer  solidarity  and  cooperation,  more  information  sharing,  and  a  stronger  global  response  are  what  we  need  to  defeat  COVID-19  across  the  world.  It  is  especially  important  to  scale up cooperation on the R&D, production and distribution of vaccines and  make  them  public  goods  that  are  truly  accessible  and  affordable  to  people  in  all  countries.  By  now,  China  has  provided  assistance  to  over  150  countries  and  13  international  organizations,  sent  36  medical  expert  teams  to  countries  in  need,  and  stayed  strongly  supportive  and  actively  engaged  in  international  cooperation  on  COVID  vaccines.  China  will  continue to share its experience with other countries, do its best to assist countries  and  regions  that  are  less  prepared  for  the  pandemic,  and  work  for   greater   accessibility   and   affordability   of   COVID   vaccines   in developing  countries.  We  hope  these  efforts  will  contribute  to  an  early  and complete victory over the coronavirus throughout the world.— China   will   continue   to   implement   a win-win  strategy  of  opening-up.  Economic  globalization  meets  the  need  of  growing  social  productivity  and  is a  natural  outcome  of  scientific  and  technological  advancement. It serves no one’s interest to use the pandemic as an excuse 8 to reverse  globalization and  go  for  seclusion  and decoupling.  As  a  longstanding supporter of economic globalization, China is committed to following  through  on  its  fundamental  policy  of  opening-up.  China  will  continue  to  promote  trade  and  investment  liberalization  and  facilitation,  help keep the global industrial and supply chains smooth and stable, and advance  high-quality  Belt  and  Road  cooperation.  China  will  promote  institutional  opening-up that  covers  rules,  regulations,  management  and  standards. We will foster a business environment that is based on market principles, governed by law and up to international standards, and unleash the potential of the  huge  China  market  and  enormous domestic  demand.  We hope these efforts will bring more cooperation opportunities to other countries  and  give  further  impetus  to  global  economic  recovery  and  growth.— China will continue to promote sustainable development. China will  fully  implement  the  2030  Agenda  for  Sustainable  Development.  It will do  more  on  the  ecological front,  by  transforming  and improving  itsindustrial  structure  and  energy  mix at  a  faster  pace  and promoting  a  green, low-carbon way of life and production. I have announced China’s goal  of  striving  to peak  carbon  dioxide  emissions  before  2030  and  achieve carbon neutrality before 2060.


Meeting these targets will require tremendous hard work from China. Ye t   we   believe that when the interestsof the entire humanity are at stake, China must step forward, take action, and get the job done. China is drawing up action plans and taking specific measures already to make sure we meet the set targets. We are doing this as  a  concrete  action  to  uphold  multilateralism  and  as  a  contribution  to protecting our  shared  home  and  realizing sustainable  development  of  humanity. — China   will   continue   to   advance   science,   technology   and   innovation.  Science,  technology  and  innovation  is  a  key  engine  for  human progress, a powerful weapon in tackling many global challenges, and  the  only  way  for  China  to  foster  a  new  development  paradigm  and  achieve high-quality development. China will invest more in science and technology, develop an enabling system for innovation as a priority, turn breakthroughs in  science  and technology into  actual  productivity  at  a  faster  pace,  and enhance  intellectual  property  protection,  all  for  the  purpose  of  fostering  innovation-driven, higher-quality  growth.  Scientific and  technological  advances  should  benefit  all  humanity  rather  than  be  used to  curb  and  contain  other  countries’  development.  China  will  think and  act  with  more  openness  with  regard to  international  exchange  and  cooperation on science and technology. We will work with other countries

9 to create an open, fair, equitable and non-discriminatory environment for scientific and technological  advancement  that  is  beneficial  to  all  and  shared by all.— China  will  continue  to  promote a  new  type  of  international  relations. 


 Zero-sum game   or   winner-takes-all is   not   the   guiding   philosophy   of   the   Chinese   people.   As   a   staunch   follower   of   an independent  foreign  policy  of  peace,  China  is  working  hard  to  bridge  differences through dialogue and resolve disputes through negotiation and to  pursue  friendly  and  cooperative  relations  with  other  countries  on  the  basis  of  mutual  respect,  equality  and  mutual  benefit.  As  a  steadfast  member of  developing  countries,  China  will  further  deepen  South-South cooperation,  and  contribute  to  the  endeavor  of  developing  countries  to eradicate   poverty, ease debt burden, and achieve more growth. China will get  more  actively  engaged  in global  economic  governance  and  push  for  an    economic  globalization  that  is  more  open,  inclusive,  balanced  and  beneficial to all.Ladies and Gentlemen,Friends,There  is  only  one  Earth and  one  shared  future  for  humanity.  As  wecope  with  the  current  crisis  and  endeavor  to  make  a  better  day  for  everyone,  we  need  to  stand united and work  together.  We  have  been shown time and  again  that to  beggar  thy  neighbor,  to  go it alone,  and  to slip  into  arrogant  isolation  will  always fail.  Let  us all     join  hands  and  letmultilateralism  light our  way  toward  a  community  with  a  shared  future  for mankind.Thank you.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

1776 in 2016

coming soon maps of 1776 relaitons in - or discuss with
arlington preps space for bezos
brooklyn changes dockland
dubai mends middle east bridges
sa francisco connect schwabs 1R4 capitals from weforum up mountain near geneva to industrial revolution foursome beijing delhi tokyo and 300 global shapers hubs
where next will the revolution go - see heartland report due out tomorrow

- see also 1776 in 2020