back in 2016? fantastic talk at 1776 hub in downtown dc shared same building as general education
leonsis was talking about role of 1776 in making dc 2nd supercity to ny- how his sportstars wanted to linkin supermetrolis to baltimore; how 1776 well placed with campus in crystal city and san fran; and coming so brooklyn naval yards and dubai- also speakr from canada celebrating how great 176 was as hub fircanaduan interns to dc
today 1776 seems to be regional hubs in dc and penn regions- its big hubs have gne but hopefully its alumni still connected; its model has changed - adviding property owners how to build a hub rather than taking on cost of rents/ownership
meanwhile leonsis partners case in his revolution network celebrating secondary cities and they have both know bezos since 1994 so if dc is ever going to transform to a city valuing youth innovation the pieces are there but will the timing ever come together post-virus? post-trump? post-racism? post every way vibrant safe communities discouraged in usa
more on map dream as of 2016
also relaed con cap feb 2020 upd national press club
brookings city study group
wilson as yet has no intercity group
ESG now! world economics forum asks - what will happen to CEOs who get AI for children wrong? Sorry to hear of death of McGann - the West's most open curator of pro-future gen thinktanks- his last paper here buzzes common sense - sadly many thinks will never recover from the combo of trump and fake media -cf with compiled when The Economist was led by end poverty sub-ed Norman (aka dad). | Please click new teachforXX From Diaries of & - 2018 our last Fazle Abed dialogue in Bangladesh concerned open space for 1000 Abed co-workers , 50 Abed luminaries, tracing intel from 50+years of asia women rising, 60+ years of AI Neumann uniting Pacific and Atlantic Labs, 260+years of Smithian moral economic mapmaking as well as future scope of Abed Mooc 5.4 uniting graduates sdg applications across 100 Asian Universities + 5.5 ,, 5.6 | schwab conveners of world economic forum (and coming of AI's 4th Industrial Revolution) now integrating greatest economic miracle ever (billion womens asian empowerment) advanced out of Bangladesh with Fazle Abed since 1972; family who edit MIT innovations also partnering Abed to design world's most popular cashless banking system to end poverty 1.5 | which resources of do you and yours most need to action? rsvp abedmooc5.6 | Glasgow uplink --#davosagenda : twit 1 2 - what's essential to sustainability generation-2021 update road to cop26 glasgow- geneva's jan 2021 invitations -programme, join-up -sub agendas : EA techforgood ;; EH : healthyfutures :: EG planetsaving nature isnt siloised the way govs and university professors are -poverty, climate, health, edu, tech all explain each other- national borders have become biggest risk to natures borderless innovation challenges - without cooperation at levels old leaders can't conceive - our species will be lost- actions from davos How to build more resilient countries after the COVID-19 pandemic #DavosAgenda Climate change will be sudden and cataclysmic. We need to act fast #DavosAgenda 1 q1 @Zurich January 2021 US climate ambassador Kerry : Glasgow Nov 2021- cop26 humanity and "parties" last best chance | Since start of machine age the Adam Smith school of economists have valued how health (Economist 1984 and 1843) and education (Economist 1986) exponentially sustain places' economic growth across generations not vice versa ..over the last 50 years Safety*Health*Education has been 1billiongirls development password across Asia -fortunately AN ECONOMIC MIRACLE BEGAN WHEN Chinese and Bangladesh village networkers linked in around fazle abed since 1972 to demonstrate how lives matter women empowerment changes how governments and corporations behave- charities without eithe a business case or a direct smart intel transfer case integrating transparent community data ending poverty traps- global viallage purposes of value chains celebrate the ultimate sme networing model of transparency mapping at 4 levels : 1 village solution, 100000 village solution replication, national market leadership, worldwide sustainability benchmark of market sector purpose | Economist A B C D E F G H I J .R S. U W X Y Z mass and new media had failed to involve educators at every level in what youth needed to explore if a sustainability generation was being grown Nikesh Arora @nikesharora asks @Netanyahu about cybersecurity: “the most important investment you can make in cyber is mathematics”. #DavosAgenda @ mathematically the UN's 17 sustainability goals pose a problem unless you can help people factor them into a memorisable number of ways forward- if thee is only one factor goal one both gravitates all ohers but requires bottom-up mapping -as einstein would say innovators need to integrate the most micro of dynamics if there system is not to be blind to what top people cannot see; 20 years into 2025 report's journey several exponential challenges had missed the simplest way to unite humans: there was no transparent audit of trust-flow applied to world's biggest organisations |