ESG now! world economics forum asks - what will happen to CEOs who get AI for children wrong?
Sorry to hear of death of McGann - the West's most open curator of pro-future gen thinktanks- his last paper here buzzes common sense - sadly many thinks will never recover from the combo of trump and fake media -cf with compiled when The Economist was led by end poverty sub-ed Norman (aka dad).
Please click new teachforXX
From Diaries of & - 2018 our last Fazle Abed dialogue in Bangladesh concerned open space for 1000 Abed co-workers , 50 Abed luminaries, tracing intel from 50+years of asia women rising, 60+ years of AI Neumann uniting Pacific and Atlantic Labs, 260+years of Smithian moral economic mapmaking as well as future scope of Abed Mooc 5.4 uniting graduates sdg applications across 100 Asian Universities + 5.5 ,, 5.6

schwab  conveners of world economic forum  (and coming of AI's 4th Industrial Revolution) now integrating greatest economic miracle ever (billion womens asian empowerment)  advanced out of Bangladesh with Fazle Abed since 1972; family who edit MIT innovations also partnering Abed to design world's most popular cashless banking system to end poverty 1.5

which resources of do you and yours most need to action? rsvp abedmooc5.6 Glasgow uplink --#davosagenda : twit 1 2 - what's essential to sustainability generation-2021 update road to cop26 glasgow- geneva's jan 2021 invitations -programme, join-up -sub agendas : EA techforgood ;; EH : healthyfutures :: EG planetsaving

nature isnt siloised the way govs and university professors are -poverty, climate, health, edu, tech all explain each other- national borders have become biggest risk to natures borderless innovation challenges - without cooperation at levels old leaders can't conceive - our species will be lost- actions from davos
How to build more resilient countries after the COVID-19 pandemic #DavosAgenda
Climate change will be sudden and cataclysmic. We need to act fast #DavosAgenda 1 q1
@Zurich January 2021 US climate ambassador Kerry : Glasgow Nov 2021- cop26 humanity and "parties" last best chance
Since start of machine age the Adam Smith school of economists have valued how health (Economist 1984 and 1843) and education (Economist 1986) exponentially sustain places' economic growth across generations not vice versa ..over the last 50 years Safety*Health*Education has been 1billiongirls development password across Asia -fortunately AN ECONOMIC MIRACLE BEGAN WHEN Chinese and Bangladesh village networkers linked in around fazle abed since 1972 to demonstrate how lives matter women empowerment changes how governments and corporations behave- charities without eithe a business case or a direct smart intel transfer case integrating transparent community data ending poverty traps- global viallage purposes of value chains celebrate the ultimate sme networing model of transparency mapping at 4 levels : 1 village solution, 100000 village solution replication, national market leadership, worldwide sustainability benchmark of market sector purpose

Economist A B C D E F G H I J .R S. U W X Y Z mass and new media had failed to involve educators at every level in what youth needed to explore if a sustainability generation was being grown
Nikesh Arora @nikesharora asks @Netanyahu about cybersecurity: “the most important investment you can make in cyber is mathematics”. #DavosAgenda @IsraeliPM. 6:59 AM - 27 Jan 2021. 12 Retweets; 41 Likes; Ben D'Israel · Ubaid ...

mathematically the UN's 17 sustainability goals pose a problem unless you can help people factor them into a memorisable number of ways forward- if thee is only one factor goal one both gravitates all ohers but requires bottom-up mapping -as einstein would say innovators need to integrate the most micro of dynamics if there system is not to be blind to what top people cannot see; 20 years into 2025 report's journey several exponential challenges had missed the simplest way to unite humans:
there was no transparent audit of trust-flow applied to world's biggest organisations

back from future of 1984's 2025 report- virus is gamechanger to online education, safe community spaces and all UN-sdg urgent challenges of greatest #learinggeneration and #digitalcooperation
kenya's ihub benchmark empowering youth community tech across will hubs live up to hi-trust multipliers at core of micro-empowrment transformation and truth mediator of oldest and youngest halves of our species' 8 billion interconnected beings?
1776 35 years on can hubs do for america what 1.0' aol could not..
wework 5g supercitizens need 90% collaborative solutions-it make sense for world leading ai funds to have a home hub- if wework isnt it what is..
out of china and usa top 10 internet companies are startup ecosystems-are they smart to own hubs...
mayors play a critical role if humans go green in time-which hub models link relay each years cop, link education systems, help young professions lead risk models of global climate adaptability.
schwab links global's number 1 annual summit withback from 4 innovation revolutions youth hubs need to shape..
more eg will hubs be integral to one global university of ending poverty?how can under 30s hub global community health in ways top down planners fail to proact
..can we map a 7th economy multiplying the best of 6 other economies
space and mobilising virtual livelihoods
humanising computing prain power
trading routes celegrating demngs enginnering leaps
rural village keynes-aka jim kim's top of the pops.....
dollar world
poundempire until 1914- see adam smith's 1760s warnings on industrial world depending on less than 1% of peoples to finance its gold standard
. .Jim Kim2030nowjimkim2transcripts.doc 2030nowjimkim2transcripts.doc,
videos of world bank tedx kim celebrates 300 global shapers hubs of weforum schwab
6th economy miracle for over billion people out of rural village poverty - networked by women of south asia starting with community health food security- 2 models branched from 1970s - food alumni borlaug - health alumni china barefoot medics, fazle abed james grant -after hundreds of thousands of villager business brac had to develop banking system for poorest village mothers- almost everything later called microcreditsummit failed to understand the point of fin services designed if you began as community health or food security worker as an illiterate woman who had previously no productive network in society- china's version of rural keysiansim discussed the economist 1977 became the rural heartland linked to second chinese miracle adapting japans better engineering knowledge which had already caused diaspora islands of taiwan hk singapore to ruse to be 3rd strongest economy of 1980 after japan and usJapan better engineering economy merged from deming action learning networks tokyo 1845-1962 - see the Economist consider japan 1962 and unification of royal families at olympics 1964 round a better way to map the world than their history had spun space and satellite ecomyvon neumann and moores 100 times more digital analytics power per decade 195 to 2025........................$ industrial pre digital economy. It wasn' until the end of world war 2 that the dolar was reconised as the worlds reerve currency. The united nations ws convened and 7 of the biggest G8 empires seemed to agree a new map which recognised that a root cause of the world wars that orgnising world trade just to the benefit of peoples in 8 place resprent aboyt a quarter of the world's population was snot sustainable. The plan: the USA would help the G7 economies reboot but once this was growing support for fomrer colonises independence would be maximised. Three opportunities emerged from 1950s innovations: satellite and space, digital computing, much more reliable proceses of engineering and linking in supply chain networks.In additior crop science geared to local diversity emerged. All of these appeared to offer win-win opportunities across nations but 3 problems seem to have overtaken the rate at which the UN could adapt. kennedy was assisinated-the U lost continuity both internationally and at home as the publics confindence wass rockedby other assinations, and vietnam -the first time americans had entered an unwinnable war? Increased Russian mischief all over the newly indepetend nations world including latin america , and a geonomic trick nature had played on te old world. A place which the ebnglish had named the middle east is actually a land bridge between 3 suncintents: Afrca m Euripe and Asa. But this landbridge is mainly desert and oil welss. It became the epicentre of all sorts of conflicts (see more detail). Neither the eurpean union or post-kennedy america had prepared enough for what happened net
...............pound empire economy
To the extemy that global trade existed and needed to be accounted for by currency. the pound played this role until the start of world war 1 at which time it abandoned the promise of exchangeability with gold.Access to engineering changed the size of economies from being mainly correlated with where populations had settled- eg 2 out of 3 on the asian continent. The fact that small island of britain (less than 1% of people, much less than that as per cent of land andnaural resources) couldat its peak recah nearly 10% of woirkd trade reflects how its mercantile power ahd won out comaped with other Europeans in 18th C and its first mover adavantages with engines. In particular the 19th C was to see The Uk wmpire take over adminstration of most of the nations around the INsian ocean. Americans who were fast to insutrialise after decalaring independence in 1776, focused on saling engineering on their own continent. It wasn't until world war 1 that this nation became recongined as tahgest world power
Could it be that there are 2 types of world trade
zero sum ones that need regulating so that a country get overdependent on anothers products
social world trades go way above zero sum- eg where knowledge is multiplied in use by eg mentoring-
notably consider microfranchises which we define as offer open sourcing of a social solution designed to give a community capacity to serve an important need where the value of the service stays with the producers--could it be that this second type of world trade needs open society celebration not inter-country regulation? in a knowledge economy might social world trade be 10 times bigger than zero-sum particularly in markets where knowhow critically impacting millennials' sustainability goals.
BRAC u legacy fazle abed: U president chang- alumni of MIT yale berkeley (yelen) Shenzen-hk; entrepreneur mountain view; first u partners include ban ki-moon; tencent education foundation-yidan HKearly investors schwarzman: Masa Son, Ka-Shing, Dalio- next education partners MIT, Oxford- co-concept founder mayor of beijing chen jiningvienna cultural center music - ban ki-moon climate adaptability: soros ceu OSUN soros botstein -education core - brad college, microcollege, schools; partners brac U, CEU, online arizona ...

Thursday, December 31, 2020

skilling work force


Skilling the Global Workforce weforum jan 2021

Speakers: Rahul Kanwal, Alain Dehaze, Guy Ryder, Salil S. Parekh, Josephine Teo, Dharmendra Pradhan, Saadia Zahidi
under construction - micro-transcript of above video
josephine teo singapore  : 2 decades ago , singapore started focusing on continuous education/learning; in 2015 nationwide skills future movement ownership lifelong learning- over last 12 months employers big role- people more motivated if they can see how put new skills to wiok- eg our finance sector mapped all job roles in sector asked how ai etc would change sector in 3 years- thousands of people reskilled - transformed tillers into digital capabilities - employers win-win when train rather than headhunt- get business transformation and upskill every type of work -  
question -what can other countries learn from you? - 1)-need to try best to save every worker's future - long tail focus needed on those with low digital skill now- new incentives for displaced workers to growing sectors; transiting to gov schemes that hiring those changing over-
- 2) cant rely solely on employers- but must prevent mismatch of individuals training up- professional conversion program - tailored to this looking at 30 sectors in changing job roles - 7/10  who changed got higher wages- importance gov smart on this
 -question - gender equality- we need to work on culture - girls need right role models on stem-- even so big question on care giving - is your society ready to demand males do more on care giving?
salil parekh infosys  india-you look at lead edge of india tech skilling- make sure every employee has access - expand to clients- expands to engineering students- 
platform lex over 1000 courses used by over 300k employees and similar number of employees of top 30 partnering clients- original focus on engineering courses but now have second branch creative design skills
 now free version to be used by million of students  - question you have  unique capacity to scale- are you collab with gov on this; answer our objective make it available as much as it needs to be used at any gov level - we have started with every student- can cluster by skills demand that eg gov can specify - eventually anyone scan use - question do your ideas apply to non-engineering sectr- its a critical question - our 2 foci tech, design and visualisation - this is small but growing area for us-  society will need other platforms than our foci .. need to see examples round world on this
d pradhan minister petroleum/  india's challenge skilling people entering workforce- in india 25 mn new people joining workforce every year; how - new edu policy2020- reskilling, upskilling - pandemic opportunity - new skilling opportunity - digital fintech expanding as sectors - needs skilled workforce;  q is gov :"skillindia" keeping up with edtech? -trying to create public momentum-  india example- leading telecentre to calafornia e-- service sectors
alain dehaze addeco  (hq switzerland world number 2 human resourcefirm)
 -worlds largest recruiter view - active in 56+ countries- helping 2 million find job - alain says crucial individual employers gov tripartite engagemnt specific choices - individuals need to stay attractive on labor market- you lose 40% of skills every 3 years- thats why lifelong learining call individual- we tell emploters not to protect jobs but invest in emplyability- skills needed 3-5 years time - add study skill up a person in ft sech 35k cost whereas 100k tolayoff and headhunt; gov need to put incentives in place- sigapore is a best case- need different accounting treatment of skilling as investment- we see many countries spening huge amount of money on local economies but as short-term instead of reskilling -question to adhow do we ensure equality of motivation to reskill- it goes back to the system of the triadi described; eg system must be capable of helping indinviduals trasfer across sectrs- - some sectors will be seeing maive layoffs - thats reason why system of indiv-v - yes triad system needs custimisation to give women advantage

gr geneva ilo - low skilled doing badly- hi-tech doing well - biggest risk coming out of crisis even more unequal

from global shaper hub in italy - is the responsibility on ndividual or on gov  -ilo mutual responsibility - we are only in foothills of lifelong learning looks like - will need real investment - complementary triadresponsibilitoes individual, employer gov, upskilling depends on employer taking longer-ter appreoach to emplyees

World Economic Forum. ISBN: 978-2-940631-08-7. TERMS OF USE AND DISCLAIMER. The analysis presented in Towards a Reskilling Revolution:.
saadia zahidi weforum  sum up  1 next wave gov stimulus needs strategy, sequencing upskilling - piece with pwc suggest done well 6 trn $ addition to world's new economy; nb if not done well nations will create vast inequalities - generally guys point window for antion is now - see wef reskilling platform targeted 1 billion people - have reached 50 n people - builing lifelongststems is new - 10 countries tred this- 6 new ines coming from -- we also piloting10 secrirs first; 3rd new laguaf=ge - global skills taxolnmy with hekp of edx etc

  • Rahul Kanwal

    Rahul Kanwal

    Director, News, India Today and Aajtak, The India Today Group

    News Director, India Today & Aajtak, India Today Group. Anchors India Today TV’s flagship prime time news broadcast Newsroom. Responsible for managing the news gathering team in India, comprising more than 500 reporters of the TV Today Network who are spread all across India. Has powered some of the most hard hitting investigative stories to emerge from India over the past decade. The exposes unearthed by the team of investigative reporters have led to public functionaries having to resign and also helped bring about large-scale changes in the policy-making apparatus in the country. Believes that instead of rushing to take sides, at a time when India is sharply polarised between right and left, editors must remember that the essence of journalism is to bring out both sides of the story and help viewers reach an informed conclusion rather than have the anchor force his point of view on those watching. Studied Journalism at Delhi University; Chevening Scholar; Programme in International Broadcast Journalism, Cardiff University. Recipient, Rory Peck Trust grant for a course in Hostile Environment Journalism.

  • Alain Dehaze

    Alain Dehaze

    Chief Executive Officer, Adecco Group AG

    Chief Executive Officer, Adecco Group, a leading workforce solutions partner. Through its global brands Adecco, Adia, Badenoch & Clark, General Assembly, Lee Hecht Harrison, Modis, Pontoon, Spring Professional and YOSS, the Adecco Group is making the future work for everyone. As a Fortune Global 500 Company, the Adecco Group connects 700,000 jobseekers with rewarding employment every day, helps 350,000 people yearly to transition to work, and supports more than 100,000 organizations with the talent, advice and cutting-edge technology they need to succeed in an ever-changing and highly-competitive global economy. Plays an active role in shaping the labour markets of tomorrow as a Member of the Board of the Global Apprenticeship Network (GAN), Member of the International Labour Organization’s Global Commission on the Future of Work, Steward of the World Economic Forum System Initiative on Education, Gender and Work and as Co-Chair of the Governors for the World Economic Forum’s Professional Services Industry Community. Formerly, held board positions at the sector level with the World Employment Confederation, including as Vice-President, World Employment Confederation Europe (formerly EUROCIETT).

  • Guy Ryder

    Guy Ryder

    Director-General, International Labour Organization (ILO)

    MA in Social and Political Sciences, University of Cambridge. 1981-85, Assistant, Trades Union Congress, UK; 1985-88, Secretary, Industry Trade Section, International Federation of Commercial, Clerical, Professional and Technical Employees; 1988-98, Assistant Director then Director, Geneva Office, International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU); 1998-99, Director, Bureau For Workers' Activities, International Labour Organization (ILO); 1999-2001, Director, Office of the Director-General, ILO; 2002-06, General Secretary, ICFTU then General Secretary, International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC); 2010-12, Executive Director, ILO; since 2012, current position.

  • Salil S. Parekh

    Salil S. Parekh

    Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Infosys Limited

    Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Infosys; sets and evolves the strategic direction for the company and its portfolio of offerings, while nurturing a strong leadership team to drive its execution. Nearly three decades of global experience in the information technology (IT) services industry. Formerly: Member, Group Executive Board, Capgemini, in several leadership positions for 25 years; responsible for overseeing a business cluster comprising Application Services (North America, United Kingdom, Asia), Cloud Infrastructure Services, and Sogeti (Technology & Engineering Services Division); and responsible for the strategy and execution of these businesses – setting direction and enabling rapid client adoption; also Chairman of Capgemini’s North America Executive Council; architect, North America growth and turnaround strategy, and was instrumental in setting up their offshoring capabilities. As Partner at Ernst & Young, brought scale and value to the Indian operations, consultancy firm. MEng in Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering, Cornell University; BTech in Aeronautical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay.

  • Josephine Teo

    Josephine Teo

    Minister for Manpower and Second Minister for Home Affairs, Ministry of Manpower of Singapore

    Since 2006, Member of Parliament. Formerly: Chairman, Government Parliamentary Committee for Education and Assistant Secretary-General, National Trades Union Congress; represented the labour movement on the government-appointed Economic Strategies Committee and co-chaired the sub-committee on Fostering Inclusive Growth; concurrently, Chief Executive Officer, not-for-profit organization Business China, a platform launched by then Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew and then China Premier Wen Jiabao to strengthen Singapore's bicultural foundations. 2011-13, Minister of State for Finance and Transport. 2012, appointed to chair a multi-agency Changi 2036 Steering Committee to provide strategic direction for the long-term growth plans of Changi Airport. Since September 2013, Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Transport of Singapore. Member of the Board, Business China.

  • Dharmendra Pradhan

    Dharmendra Pradhan

    Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas, and Steel, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas of India

    Postgraduate in Anthropology, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar. Has been working on several issues concerning youth, such as unemployment, the lack of skill-based education, rehabilitation and resettlement of farmers, and has played a major role in mobilizing youth in Odisha. With Akhil Bhartiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP): activist, Secretary, in charge of elections in Bihar and of party affairs in Karnataka, Uttarakhand, Jharkhand and Odisha. Recipient of honours and awards. Former Member, 14th Lok Sabha. March 2012, elected to the Rajya Sabha from the State of Bihar. Since Sept. 2017, Cabinet Minister for Petroleum and Natural Gas and Skill Development and Entrepreneurship of India; has implemented consumer initiatives like PAHAL, the world’s largest direct benefit transfer scheme, and the #GiveItUp campaign, aimed at encouraging affluent citizens to surrender their LPG subsidy for the needy; is working to provide 5 million LPG connection to women below the poverty line in the next 3 years. As Minister for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, has deliberated on various issues, including reskilling and skilling the manpower of India and focusing on bridging the skill gap for Indian youth.

  • Saadia Zahidi

    Saadia Zahidi

    Managing Director, World Economic Forum Geneva

    BA in Economics, Smith College; MPhil in International Economics, Graduate Institute Geneva; MPA, Harvard University. With the World Economic Forum: Economist (2003-2005); Head of Gender Parity Programme (2005-2011); Head of Civil Society (2008-2011); Head of Employment and Gender Initiatives (2013-2016); Head of Education, Gender and Work (2016-2018); currently Head of Centre for the New Economy and Society and Member of the Managing Board. Co-Author of Forum reports on Human Capital, Gender Gaps and Future of Jobs. Author, Fifty Million Rising (2018). Recipient of honours and awards, including: BBC 100 Women (2013 and 2014); Financial Times/McKinsey inaugural Bracken Bower Prize (2014); longlisted for FT/Mckinsey Business Book of the Year (2018). Interests: future of work, education and skills, income inequality and using big data for public good.